From a young age we are trained to conform. Many of us are told things such as, “Don’t cry,” and “There’s nothing to be sad about.” We are often taught that it is not socially acceptable to feel unhappy, depressed or overwhelmed, therefore we try to avoid and dismiss these unpleasant emotions and push them to the background.
We can only hold so much 'Emotional baggage’ before we break, you cannot escape it forever. Instead, we need to find ways to express our feelings and emotions. If thats not talking to someone you trust, how do you express yourself?
Part I of this series explores movement as a form of expression.
Emotion is the essence of movement. Emotion drives the way we hold our body; anxiousness causes us to tense, sadness or grief causes us to hunch over and drop our head, happiness and confidence makes us stand tall and ooze energy. Emotion influences form.
Movement is emotion in motion. When we move or dance, we express our emotions, physically communicating and allowing those emotions to move through our body, out of our body and, in doing so, to move others.
Allow yourself to be guided gently and slowly by your body's natural rhythm. Move in ways that feel good. Move with pleasure rather than force. Let your body have a say in the process, listen to its story.