The STRETCH series - BTS with Lucinda & Jessie

The Makko-Ho stretches stem from traditional Chinese medicine, each stretch stimulating a meridian pair. To achieve the best result, they should be performed in sequence starting with Metal, moving through Earth, then Primary Fire, on to Water, then Secondary Fire, and ending with Wood. Settling in to each stretch on the exhalation with a goal of letting go, opposing our egos goals of pushing boundaries and feeling pain. Before practicing this sequence, it is important to ground yourself through relaxed and regulated breathing, allowing you to connect with yourself and to notice even the slightest shift, being emotional, physical or conscious.
This collaboration unfolded with the onset of COVID-19, the 'gate crasher' on our norm, forcing me and many others to refrain from treating in the interest of community health. This deviation from the ‘hands on’ work I was so familiar with pushed me to look for other opportunities to support both myself and my clients; The ultimate challenge.
With this challenge on my hands, and hours, days and weeks on end at my disposal, the Makko-Ho inspired STRETCH series was rolled out, one painting at a time.
Lucinda, a long-time friend, former co-worker and now fellow business owner, and I have nurtured a beautiful relationship, built on trust and loyalty, mutually inspiring each other to push through the glass ceiling. In recent years, she has blossomed in to an incredibly talented and successful artist, owning her true calling. Her unique style and eye for the female form, a perfect fit for bringing the stretches to life.
This series is built on patience and stillness, developed from a lo-fi home shoot into a beautiful collection of artworks, each representing an element and the seasonal roller-coaster of emotions we all move through each year.
One of the biggest health concerns in our modern day is stress. This paired back with our more sedentary lifestyles; a life in-front of a computer, can slowly lead to an overall physical weakness, an accumulation of tension in our muscle fibres, body aches and pains, lowered immune systems and the list goes on.
Stretching reduces the physiological effects of stress on your body by increasing blood flow and natural endorphins and increasing oxygen to the body through deep breathing and relaxation. Stretching also reduces the mental and emotional effects of stress by giving you a reason to stop, rest your mind, and focus on doing something positive for yourself.
For the body to work properly, it must be used. For the mind and body to be relaxed, the tension and stress must somehow be released. Movement, stretching and exercise are of the utmost importance in releasing stress and maintaining overall health
By incorporating the Makko-Ho stretches in to your daily routine, you can restore and maintain balance in both body and mind.
Stretch manual coming soon to our online store.